If you are interested in joining indianshemales.com one of the premium shemale listing websites then you are at the right place. People regularly look for shemale in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Chennai, and other nearby cities. You can use this platform to increase your matches and clients for free just by registering on the platform by following some simple steps. Indianshemales.com offers services free of cost.
Create your post on indianshemales.com
So, follow these steps and post your profile by following these simple steps.
Step 1: Visting indianshemales.com
Type www.indianshemales.com in the search bar and get the website.
Step 2: Adding a listing
In the top left you will see the tab named Add Listing
Step 3: signing in
Sign in with your email ID and add a password. Remember this password for future logins.
Step4: Filling the form
Now enter the following details. Some details are mandatory with * and some are optional. Now enter Category, upload some images, give Title to your listing, add location, age, name, gender (select from drop-down), city, orientation (select from drop-down like active or passive), then enter your WhatsApp number, in the description box you can elaborate on your services and preferences. Then click on submit listing.
Step 5: Checking your listing
Now your listing is submitted. You check your listing by clicking on the profile icon on the top left of the page and selecting my listing on the drop-down.
Step 6: Editing the listing
You can also edit your listing. Just log in to your account. Go to profile and from drop down select my listing icon and click on the listing opened.
Step7: Saving changes
Edit the required field and click on save changes.